Speculative Fiction: The Game
78 uniquely illustrated cards with original artwork and text
Speculative Fiction opened on Friday 13th, 2023. This public exhibit introduced a working series, drawing from a selection of original artworks on canvas. Located in Kilkenny, Ireland, the exhibition was less than fifty metres from the site of the first recorded execution for sorcery and witchcraft in all of Europe. The exhibition closed on November 3rd, the eve marking the 700th year since Petronella’s death. The images which you see below are a sample of those that will serve to illustrate the full deck of 78 cards in total. Honouring the rich cartomancy and divination of things like the tarot and oracle cards, ‘Speculative Fiction: The Game’ will engage also with the image as a route into the unknown. Accompanying text will further open up the ‘meaning’ of each read, encouraging the player to address myth and personal experience as live energy forms.
Produced in cooperation with a trusted print outlet, the finished outcome will be sure to excite new ways of seeing for as long as there are stories to share.